Our Work

Major areas of Focus


Education For All

Empowering futures through quality education. Our initiatives aim to provide accessible and transformative learning experiences for children.


Health And Hygiene

Building healthy communities. From healthcare access to hygiene initiatives, we strive to enhance the overall well-being of individuals and families.


Women Empowerment

Empowering women, transforming societies. Join us in promoting women's rights, skill development, and entrepreneurship for lasting change.


Here are all the services that we provide

Education For all
Unity Uplift is instrumental in promoting education for all by addressing barriers to education, improving access to quality education, and advocating for inclusive and equitable education systems. Here's how we contribute to the goal of education for all:
Women empowerment
Unity Uplift play a crucial role in empowering women and promoting gender equality by addressing the various barriers and challenges that women face in society. Here are some ways in which we contribute to women's empowerment:
Health And Hygine
Unity Uplift are actively involved in promoting health and hygiene practices, particularly in communities where access to healthcare services and sanitation facilities is limited. Here are some ways in which we contribute to health and hygiene:
Awareness campaigns by Unity Uplift are vital for educating communities and raising awareness about various social, environmental, and health issues. Here's how we conduct awareness campaigns:

Education For All

Providing Education rights to all

Unity Uplift's champion education for all by expanding access, enhancing quality, advocating for inclusivity, and mobilizing communities. We offer scholarships, construct schools, and facilitate teacher training to bridge gaps in education. Addressing socio-economic barriers like poverty and discrimination, we ensure marginalized groups, including girls and children with disabilities, can access schooling. Advocating for policy reforms and inclusive practices, they promote equitable education systems that accommodate diverse needs. Engaging communities through awareness campaigns and parent involvement, we foster supportive environments for learning. Monitoring and evaluating programs, they ensure accountability and effectiveness in achieving educational goals. Collaborating with governments, other NGOs, and stakeholders, we amplify their impact and promote collective action. Through these efforts, Unity Uplift play a vital role in advancing the vision of education for all, empowering individuals, and fostering socio-economic development.

Get in Touch with us:

Unity Uplift foundation is a non government organization, registered under the company Act 2013. It is set up to tackle the different types of problems, especially regarding children, disabled and women. We work for children's education, health, human rights...

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