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Welcome To Unity Uplift,

Discover our mission to uplift communities. Together, we can create positive change. Explore our programs and get involved today.
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Unity Uplift

Empowering Communities Through Unity

At Unity Uplift, we believe in the power of unity to uplift communities and create positive change. Our foundation is dedicated to serving as a catalyst for social progress, working hand in hand with individuals, organizations, and communities to address pressing issues and build a brighter future for all. Our mission is to foster unity among diverse groups and promote collaboration towards common goals. We recognize that by coming together, we can achieve far more than by acting alone.


Donate Us

We are on a mission to create positive change and impact lives. We need your support!


Our Works

Your presence at our events is a crucial step towards creating a positive impact. Let's come together!


Become a Volunteer

Your time, skills, and passion can contribute to positive change. Together, let's build a better future!


Glimpses of our work

Kind Volunteers



Funds Raised


Our Upcoming Events

It focuses on enhancing the foundational learning skills of students at the primary level, emphasizing early grade reading and writing proficiency, especially in languages other than the mother tongue. The initiative aims to improve the quality of learning outcomes, reduce dropout rates, and promote innovative teaching methodologies.
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25th April 2024

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Our Work

Major areas of Focus


Education For All

Empowering futures through quality education. Our initiatives aim to provide accessible and transformative learning experiences for children.


Health And Hygiene

Building healthy communities. From healthcare access to hygiene initiatives, we strive to enhance the overall well-being of individuals and families.


Women Empowerment

Empowering women, transforming societies. Join us in promoting women's rights, skill development, and entrepreneurship for lasting change.


Read our success stories

Unity Uplift's website is a testament to their unwavering commitment to social change. Their projects have transformed countless lives, and I'm proud to support such a noble cause.

Sakshant Patil

Unity Uplift's website is a treasure trove of inspiration. Their dedication to empowering underprivileged communities is evident in every story and project showcased. Truly a beacon of hope in today's world.

Reema Singh

Get in Touch with us:

Unity Uplift foundation is a non government organization, registered under the company Act 2013. It is set up to tackle the different types of problems, especially regarding children, disabled and women. We work for children's education, health, human rights...

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